New York, Beijing, Geneva

Mixed Bag

Unsure which side to bet on until the end of the year

Covid Hangover


Semis need more rest after a multiyear bull market

Still a cyclical industry

Spotify(SPOT) vs Netflix(NFLX)

One stock at a time: Spotify (SPOT)

US IPO prices for the general public

Violent moves lately. Some companies are getting close to their IPO prices. Do your homework on the selection.It pays to wait and watch a broad list of IPO's a few months after the listing.Patience is very useful. 

LinkedIn: Ambitious, disruptive, highly profitable

LinkedIn is turning 10 and spotting 20 bio $ marketcap.Fabenovel takes an in depth look into this amazing success story.

Weekly Newsbasket

Infrequent frequencies

Digital leaders: How large businesses are raising the bar

More and more companies are getting mature in the digital space. And the returns follow. Capgemini consulting in a recent study...

US IPO activity 2013

US IPO activity at the beginning of the year was slow. The complete list...

China: After the soft landing what now

Economic indicators out of China are confirming the soft landing. Structural imbalances such as the high importance of real estate and infrastructure investments and the relatively weak consumer spending are waiting for the new government 

Financial markets are not getting easier to navigate

Financial markets and much more in under 30 minutes.


Here are 4 Chinese internet laggards listed in the US in the last  two years. As they say: " A rising tide lifts sometimes all the boats....." 

JPM AM: Global Market Insights 1Q 2013

JPM Asset Management is out with their first quarter 2013 market insight piece.As usual full with great charts and summaries for different asset classes. 

8 Minutes Music and Images of 2012

Video mashup from Renier Mouthaan. 2012 in music and images.

Approval Process for Inbound FDI in China

Foreign Direct Investments in China are a challenging and time consuming process.The U.S. Chamber of Commerce published a very useful guide to help investors and companies.A flow chart of the various steps ...


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