New York, Beijing, Geneva

ChinaDailyNews,Week 10,2011

TOP 5 CHARTS OF THE WEEK on China and monetary policy. First up we look at China’s vital stats for February: inflation, retail sales, industrial production, and international trade. Some of the data is a little distorted due to the holiday season in China, but there are still some interesting insights. Finally we check out some of the seven interest rate changes  

The Final Nail in the China MediaExpress Holdings Coffin

...went to China to meet with the CFO of CCME, but his meeting was cancelled.  He and his experienced Chinese investor friend decided to visit CCME's main office without notice, anyway.  What Roddy saw I can only describe as worse than even I suspected.  It appears the company is 100% absolutely positively   

The dollar, the RMB and the euro?

...subject of China he has pretty consistently underestimated the problems the country faces and overestimated Beijing’s accomplishments. The RMB is unlikely to become a serious reserve currency in the foreseeable future.  There are a number of reasons for this.  First and most obviously, there are few realistic mechanisms


The complete listing of articles is found here

Solar stocks after Fukushima

Nothing learned from history?

Rising oil prices lift alternative biofuel start ups.

Okay most of them.


Stocks watchlist


ChinaDailyNews,Week 9,2011

Beijing Daily: the masses support stability

...China who have sought to sow chaos in the country on the heels of change in the Middle East. The editorial clearly targets the recent so-called “Jasmine Revolution” calls made online for gatherings of citizens at specified locations in Beijing and other major Chinese cities. “Conscientiously Preserving Social Harmony and Stability”  Latest Directives From the Ministry of Truth, February 24-March 1, 2011...Republic of China” and related laws and regulations, at the same that citizens’ legal freedom of speech is protected, it is forbidden to use the Internet, instant messaging tools, the media, and other methods to engage in the following behavior: 1) organizing or inciting resistance, violating what is covered by the constitution, laws,  The Coming Economic Collapse with China. In an effort to boost profits, large scale US manufacturers and other multinational firms began outsourcing their manufacturing jobs to the People’s Republic soon after.   When other industries realized the kind of money that can be saved by sending work overseas, they soon followed suit.  The cost of capital...including China, but for different reasons. It is unlikely to end well. And what is this malaise? The failure to adhere to capitalism’s most basic discipline – the cost of capital. This blog, by the way, is dedicated to Peter, who in my blog China’s unasked questions paraphrased me as saying that China is fine, “except for some minor weakness   Country PEG Ratios...China tops the list with the best country PEG ratio at 1.94.  It is followed very closely by India at 1.95.  Both China and India have higher than average P/E ratios, but their GDP growth more than makes up for it at 9.50% and 8.50%, respectively.  Singapore and Russia, which rank 3rd and 4th, get to their low PEGs by having much lower  Please read the other interesting articles here.


ChinaDailyNews,Week 8,2011

 The End of China’s Cheap Denim Dream...on China’s denim industry and why the price of jeans may rise: More and more workers are choosing not to travel to the South to find work, preferring to try their luck at one of the new factories or construction projects popping up in inland China, where life is cheaper and they can be closer to their families. “It is becoming impossible to fin...

China’s unasked questions...written about China. Such as how China’s property market is overheating, or its exports unbalancing the world economy. So here are a few questions. When did private property ownership start in China? About a decade ago. Who owns most of the land? The Party (which of course gives them an enormous amount of tier 1 capital for the banking system  

Beijing draws new round of vehicle licence lottery; competition becomes tougher BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) — The traffic clogged Chinese capital Beijing Saturday conducted its second round of vehicle license lottery, from which 17,600 individuals and 4,000 offices were awarded plates. Competition became stiffer this month as only six in some 100 individual applicants Saturday got a chance to buy a new car, while last month nine...

Available: Chinese Tech for Putting Down Protest...equipped China is to prevent mass anti-government protests, you need only look at some of the security equipment that was being touted by Chinese companies at this week’s IDEX arms fair in Abu Dhabi. When China’s leaders crushed pro-democracy protests around Tiananmen Square in 1989, they sent in the army with tanks and live ammunition.

The Economist Compares Provinces with matches China’s provinces and municipalities with different countries by GDP, GDP per capita, population and exports. Chinais now the world’s second-biggest economy, but some of its provinces by themselves would rank fairly high in the global league. Our map shows the nearest equivalent country. For example, Guangdong’s GDP

To see a list of all interesting articles please click here

US Budget still very much unbalanced

SAI dwells deeper on Mary Meekers paper


First, "Revenue" is tiny relative to "Expenses."

Second, most of the expense is entitlement programs, not defense, education, or any of the other line items that most budget crusaders normally howl about.

Third, as horrifying as these charts are, they don't even show the trends of these two pies: The "expense" pie is growing like gangbusters, driven by the explosive growth of the entitlement programs that no one in government even has the balls to talk about. "Revenue" is barely growing at all.

Kleiner Perkins' partner Mary Meeker's excellent analysis of the financial condition of the United States.

More than one slap in the face

Chinese hotel and travel stocks

Even the spring festival couldn´t help prices.

Chart Source:Finviz

Niall Ferguson explaining collapse

Reggae Britannia BBC4

ChinaDailyNews,Week 7,2011


China’s High-Speed Rail Dilemma

...sacking of China's Rail Minister, Liu Zhijun, highlighted in the New York Times article put forward by China Travel yesterday: 'Currently, China’s conventional rail system is stretched to capacity carrying two commodities: coal and people.

Huawei’s American Trust Issue

...causes from China’s handling of dissent to its opaque defense agenda. Giving the greatest possible benefit of doubt, Huawei is guilty of none of this, but the fallout of such a record – as an early international emergent from China’s corporate cauldron – falls upon the company nonetheless. Third, Huawei’s links to the People’s Liberation Army ..

China factory growth at 7-month low

...weighed on China's factories in February, even as inflation has continued to accelerate.

The ten years of a Chinese middle class of China. As Huawei, ZTE, Bell and other enterprises rapidly expanded in the country, they have recruited many engineers from major colleges and universities in the country. Michael got an offer. As an engineer with masters at the R & D department, his monthly salary was 7200 yuan. In the beginning his life was more like an extension..., China's Largest Networking Site, Said to Plan $500 Million IPO

...China’s largest social- networking service, is seeking to capitalize on strengthening demand for the nation’s Internet stocks with a U.S. initial public offering.

CPC discipline watchdog vows zero tolerance to corruption

...Party of China (CPC) will intensify anti-graft work at grassroots levels and in key areas susceptible to corruption. There will be no tolerance to any corruption, and the CPC’s discipline inspection authorities will conduct thorough investigations into corruption cases and bring due punishment to each corrupted official, according to an officia..


For the whole summary please click here


US IPO activity slowly picking up.


Renren’s IPO: friend requests pending

What’s not to like? It’s a Chinese internet company, in the world’s biggest internet market. It’s a social networking site – literally China’s Facebook. It’s even got international backing – courtesy of Japan’s Softbank. And soon, unlike Mark Zuckerberg’s outfit, you’ll be able to...from beyondbrics

China IPO Pipeline in U.S. Is Growing

China was the home of some of the best- and worst-performing stock offerings that hit the U.S. last year. The handful of offerings so far this year have been mediocre, but more companies from the China are quietly getting ready launch their own initial public offerings in the months to come.from PEdaily Latest News


Our updated US IPO list for 2011 is here


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