New York, Beijing, Geneva

US Unemployment



Dave Altig at the Atlanta Fed's macroblog provides frequent updates on the US economy.The above charts were featured in two recent articles.


The only reason the unemployment rate is not 11% (or higher) is because 4.5 million people dropped out of the labor force vs. expected demographic gains. “

Michael Shedlock on the subject.




Global Shipping Still Suffering From Overcapacity

China: No More Iron Man?



Source: MetalMiner IndX

Prices have been on a slide since the summer, most notably in recent weeks, in spite of continued high iron ore and other raw material costs maintaining pressure on steel makers’ margins. The slide in prices seems highest among basic materials like billet and less pronounced in products like CR coil and sheet sold more on contract and less on the spot market.Please read the complete article at MetalMiner. investigates the relationship on iron ore futures and swaps.



Digital Real Estate Stocks

Indias Progress Compared To China

The economist published this stopwatch comparison recently.

Microscopic Views

Atlantic´s "In Focus" shows Nikon´s Small World Photomicrography Competition,where photographers and scientists submit images of all things visible under a microscope.

IBD 50: Healthcare stocks as last standouts?

Meltdown: Aljazeera documents the story of the last financial collapse

A four-part investigation from AlJazeera into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse.

The men who crashed the world

The first of a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse.

A global financial tsunami

An epidemic of fear caused banks to stop lending, triggered protests and led to industrial action.


As the toll of the financial crisis continues to mount, many are looking for its true causes - and finding a crime.

After the fall

Some responded with denial, others by re-thinking capitalism, but who is preparing for the next crisis?



China´s fall from grace


An avalanche of negative and critical comments about China lately. Below a short collection courtesy of John Hickey .


Another China hard landing warning - Here's Gary Shilling warning of deflation and a hard landing in China via BusinessInsider. The violent fall in the copper price in the last week is a sign.


Land protests in China - Gordon Chang writes at WorldAffairsJournal about how Beijing's inability to stop local governments seizing land to sell to developers is causing more and more social instability in China.


More on the Chinese hard landing - Zerohedge says Bank of America/Merrill Lynch's top rated analyst David Cui has warned of a hard landing in China in this presentation pack delivered to clients earlier on Wednesday. Here is the presentation on slideshare.


Chinese hard landing - Societe Generale Asian equity strategist Todd Martin told Bloomberg in this video interview on September 23 that listed property developers in China appear to be going into some sort of meltdown as regulators crack down on their unofficial lending channels and the cheap unofficial money is gone.

Trade tensions growing - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to propose a bill next week that would allow American companies to ask for counterveiling duties against Chinese exports to America because of the overvaluation of the yuan.


China's trusts - This piece via BusinessWeek goes into a bit more depth on the extent of the off-balance sheet and unregulated trust lending sector in China. These trusts sound an awful lot like our finance companies.


Keep an eye on SHIBOR rates.


2w1 mos

Silent questions

Visitors view a group of portraits of politicians on display at the Jin Businessmen Collection exhibition in Taiyuan, in north China's Shanxin province  (Stringer/AFP/Getty Images).

Further images from the recent Big Picture post gives a glimpse of daily life in parts of China, documented by wire photographers from the Associated Press, Reuters and Getty.

Global bond investors don´t like operation twist

The steep fall of oil service companies


IMF reduces global growth projections further


The global economy is in a dangerous new phase. Global activity has weakened and become more uneven, confidence has fallen sharply recently, and downside risks are growing,” the IMF said in its September 2011 World Economic Outlook.


The Global Financial Stability Report asks in Chapter 2 Long-Term Investors and Their Asset Allocation: Where Are They Now? 


If this is not enough please visit the home page of the IMF and read their other publications.

These are challenging times for the world economy.

International Energy Outlook

Tons of figures and data from the EIA.And look far out into the future .2035 that is.

If ever you want to go through all the details here are the links

Overview  and the full report.


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