New York, Beijing, Geneva

Joachim Gauck :"Freedom is a Precious Asset".


Joachim Gauck, 72, already came close to becoming Germany's president once before. Back then, in the early summer of 2010, a veritable Gauck hysteria broke out in the country after the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Green Party presented him as their candidate for the country's highest office.

In the end, it took a full three rounds of voting in the Federal Assembly before Wulff was elected as president.

Between votes two and three, Gauck started to think for the first time that he might actually succeed in becoming president. When he ultimately lost, the pain was apparently far greater than he was ready to admit.

But Gauck lived in East Germany for long enough to know how to look at things in perspective. The pastor has long been separated from his wife, with whom he has four children. He and his partner, journalist Daniela Schadt, attended the 2010 presidential summer party to wish Christian Wulff and his wife Bettina all the best. Then he went on travelling across Germany, telling people about his struggle for freedom. He reminded them they also needed to do their part for the country -- that they needed to take responsibility.


Here is a great interview Gauck gave the NZZ in 2010 in German.Thank you Andres for the pointer.

US IPO activity

After a slow start in January, activity picked up recently.As expected no Chinese companies on the list.

Best performers up to now are Greenway Medical and Guideware Software.Largest issue was a Peruan cement company.

You can find the complete list with all the necessary information and links here.

US Natural Gas Sector In The Spotlight





Chinese Consumers Rush Hour.

So many beautiful things, so little time,so much money.

No belt tightening for Chinese shoppers yet.

Chinese tourists on a buying spree for European and American luxury items.

Try to guess the location.

More photos are here.


ETF News December 2011.

Top 10 Noteworthy ETF Trends Of 2011

More than 300 exchange-traded products began trading this year, with dozens of issuers rolling out new products.

10 Most Useful New ETFs Of 2011 (For Buy-And-Hold Investors)

ETFs that have debuted over the last year have offered access to new asset classes and strategies. There are no doubt still stones to be overturned, and many new opportunities in the ETF space.

The 18 Most Successful New ETFs Of 2011

Through December 13, 18 ETFs that debuted in 2011 had accumulated at least $100 million in assets, an impressive total that illustrates the tremendous growth potential.

The Top 10 Cheapest And Most Expensive ETFs

Now, there are ETFs that charge as low as 5 basis points; on a $1 million dollar investment.

11 Best ETFdb Stories Of 2011

More than 300 new product launches have hit the market, tipping the total ETP to nearly 1,400.

All articles by ETF Database

ETF Chart of the Day: Carbon

Recently, Bloomberg Magazine ran a report titled “The Big Chill in Carbon Trading,” citing the fact that the emission caps established under the Kyoto Protocol are set to expire at the end of 2012. It points out that the value of carbon allowances in 2011 have dropped by about 47%. Carbon.

Timber ETF Ready to Turn?

ETF Focus: South Korea

ETFs as Tactical Investing Tools

Global X Closing the Curtain on Eight ETFs

Exchange traded fund provider Global X will be liquidating eight of its offerings in February 2012. According to a press release, the  funds are currently closed to new investors and will stop trading at the end of February 16, 2012 and will be liquidated on February 27, 2012.

Articles from ETF Trends

Now This Is Happening: A Greek Stock ETF

Greece 20 ETF is set to trade on NYSE Euronext’s electronic Arca exchange, listed under the ticker “GREK,” starting Thursday, Global X Funds chief executive Bruno del Ama said in an interview. The fund is tied to the FTSE/ATHEX 20 Capped Index. MarketBeat WSJom

A small sample of EM bond ETF´s is here.

Below some graphs of selected ETF´s.

Rare Earth Not So Rare Anymore

                       Maybe time to revisit them. Pixelprices: MCP 4.77  REMX 36

Search on : Google Zeitgeist 2011

2011 in less than 3 minutes.

Other years are here.

IBD Big Cap 20

Here is a quick glance at some of this week´s members.

China's New Megacities.

On Tuesday 29 November, Michiel Hulshof gave a lecture at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands on one of the most fascinating developments of our times: the rise of the Chinese megalopolis and its consequences for China and the rest of the world.

Many people are talking about housing and urbanization in China but only a few have as much background as Mr Hulshof and Mr Roggeveen.

Over the next two decades around 300 million Chinese villagers will move to the city, creating the largest urban society in the world. Cities like Shijiazhuang (9 million inhabitants), Wuhan (10 million) and Chongqing (30 million) are developing at breakneck pace into huge metropolises. In size they rival global cities like Chicago, London and Moscow, but their names are still unknown in the rest of the world.

Journalist Michiel Hulshof and architect Daan Roggeveen recently published “How the City Moved to Mr Sun” about these unexplored megacities.

Some very interesting comments at the end of the lecture about the complaints of the new upper middle class in China.

A welcome background picture amongst the many superficial opinions and short TV documents on this important subject.

One caveat:

You need the Microsoft Silverlight Player to see the lecture.

No Clear Picture In Beijing.

European Pressphoto Agency The Chinese national flag flies in  heavy smog in Beijing, December 02, 2011.
REUTERS / CDIC A woman walks past the new China Central Television (CCTV) building  in Beijing, December 5, 2011.

Fog Or Smog?

Beijing under siege.

China’s meteorologists have been telling the country’s urban residents the difference between fog and smog.Often the concerned public does not agree with them.The WSJ China Real Time Report has more on the controversy.
For up to date pollution readings you can always visit the US Embassy twitter feed.

Let The Store Come To The Customers.

Tesco tries an innovative approach in South Korea

Smart phones and the web are changing the world of retail.

More details are here.

OECD : Urgent Decisive Policies Needed

Prospects only improve if decisive action is taken quickly” Chief Economist Pier Carlo Padoan.

OECD’s latest Economic Outlook  into 2012 and beyond. 

Most of the growth is projected to come from developing countries.



US GDP is projected to rise by 2.0% in 2012 and by a further 2.5% in 2013, after an expected expansion of 1.7% this year. Euro area growth is forecast to slow down from 1.6% this year to 0.2% next year, before picking up to 1.4% in 2013. In Japan, GDP is expected to expand by 2% in 2012 and 1.6% in 2013, following a contraction of 0.3% in 2011, which reflects the impact of the earthquake and tsunami and subsequent reconstruction activity.

Chinese economic growth is seen easing to 8.5% in 2012, from 9.3% this year, before climbing back to 9.5% in 2013. Weaker activity in China and other emerging-market economies together with modest falls in commodity prices should put inflation in these countries on a downward trend, allowing some easing of monetary policy.

The preliminary statistical data is here

OECD Economic Outlook 90,

Alternative Betas For Equity Investors.

Investments in equities is more than a binary choice between active and passive.

There is a third option for investors who wish to allocate to equities—non-price-weighted strategy indexes, which offer an alternative and complementary choice. Since the publication of “Fundamental Indexation” in the Financial Analysts Journal,  many asset managers and indexers have created a dizzying array of “alternative betas” or “strategy indexes” designed to offer investors passive investment vehicles that are grounded in the hypothesis of market inefficiency.


Our conclusion:   Nobody wants to buy new highs.

But relative strength strategies are delivering excellent results.

Dorsey Wright Money Management has more about this in

Investment Return Factors and Momentum Over Multiple Cycles.

Advisors Perspectives article is here.


The Hydrofracking Tide

The booming energy business in North America. Hydraulic fracking and oilsands are changing many landscapes.


Some of the world’s biggest energy producers have poured C$123 billion (US$120 billion) into Canada’s oil sands since 1997. The Canadian Energy Research Institute, or CERI, predicts that these companies will pay another C$137 billion by 2020 to tap the Florida-sized region’s unique advantage: rising oil production taking place in a stable democracy that’s close to the massive American market. 

The Syncrude Project is a Joint Venture undertaking among Canadian Oil Sands Partnership #1, Imperial Oil Resources, Mocal Energy Limited, Murphy Oil Company Ltd., Nexen Oil Sands Partnership, Sinopec Oil Sands Partnership and Suncor Energy Oil and Gas Partnership, as the project owners, and Syncrude as the project operator. Syncrude’s Mildred Lake facility is located 40 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.  

Bloomberg magazine about Alberta, Canada, one of the planet’s most coveted -- and contested -- petroleum hot spots.


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