
Digital leaders: How large businesses are raising the bar

More and more companies are getting mature in the digital space. And the returns follow. Capgemini consulting in a recent study...

China: After the soft landing what now

Economic indicators out of China are confirming the soft landing. Structural imbalances such as the high importance of real estate and infrastructure investments and the relatively weak consumer spending are waiting for the new government 

Gold and Inflation an awful correlation

It's a difficult investment world

Smarter Cities in the making

It is assumed that 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2020, which is only eight years away. Communication: person-to-person, device-to-device.  Connected cities and more sustainable living in the future.Ericsson amongst others is working hard towards this ..... 

US Consumer Debt Dynamics

US Consumers have been reducing their debt in the aggregate in the wake of the housing bust and financial crisis. While a portion of this deleveraging has come from defaults and foreclosures on mortgage debt...

The most important Chinese consumer

If you are targeting the Chinese consumer market ....