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Serendipity landed you on EquityTribes. Once here you question yourself. What is "EquityTribes" all about? The main purpose of EquityTribes is to bring minimal order to the never ending information flow from different sources primarily selected for my personal professional use.

The public content at EquityTribes is exclusively directed at qualified investors and for educational purposes only. For details please read the disclaimer. Financial markets with special attention on equity, equity related and alternative investments. Maybe in the future we will also venture from time to time into the crypto space.

EquityTribes is not a news breaking and even less an aggregating site, even if there will be occasionally timely news-bites and summaries. For updates on markets and prices around the world, readers should go to their individual favorite sites like Bloomberg, Reuters, FT, Google, Yahoo and others.

EquityTribes serves as a notebook on the fascinating journey as an (mainly) equity investor. And equity means the whole universe: Public, Private, Personal. Maybe you encounter this content at the beginning of your learning curve, maybe closer to the end; hopefully there is something for you worth coming back. Investing is a holistic and individual exercise even though many experts want you believe otherwise.

Travel your own road!

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Copyright: Everything is a remix. We often post excerpts created by others. If you, as a copyright holder, feel EquityTribes has violated or infringed on your copyright please contact me and I will take down the link or modify the post in question.