
The following short descriptions will help you to get the most out of your visit to EquityTribes.

Most information including nearly all of the sell side research is collected on the net without any special authorization. The ones I am a personal recipient of are behind an invisible wall. $ signs mean paid or paywall site content.You can filter all the categories further for China, US.

Main Menu Items

Macro deals with the broad picture, major trends and economic issues.
Investing collects research on asset allocation, investor behavior and strategies, trends in the financial service sector and serves as personal notepad for interesting ideas.
Industries features overviews, reports and charts on industries. More content on consumer, energy, logistics and technology as these are the ones I am more familiar with.
Companies with presentations ,reports, charts and fact sheets.
Recreation is the catch all for non market and investment related items.
Workbench is the place to look for tools, files and sites used regularly.

"Bookshelf" PDFs complement the information of the articles. Many of them are freely available, for selected ones you have to contact me personally.