The most important Chinese consumer

 Is not the UHNW no it is  

The key demographic for consumption in China is going to be the 45-year-old woman, and the reason I say that is because China's population is slowly aging. There is still a great sense of optimism in China. Forty-year-olds in China today have probably seen their standards of living triple during the last 20 years, and they're just coming into the most productive part of their working lives: their mid 40s. Women in China, as is common around the world, do the bulk of the household spending. You’re going to see a great increase in consumption in China; so, if you can find businesses that will give products and services that are valued by these women, then you've got a bit of a tailwind for your investments

 Morgan Stanley :"Can China Go Back in High Gear?"

Very much neglected group even more so in China