Keen On… Tim Ferriss: How To Turn Your Body Into A Startup (TCTV)
by Andrew Keen
According to Ferriss, modern man is driven by two great fears:
1) Too much email.
2) Getting fat.
So it’s no great surprise that Ferriss’ follow-up to The 4-Hour Workweek is The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman, which gets released tomorrow. While his first book was a guide to overcoming too much email, Ferris’ latest work is a guide to overcoming the limitations of the physical body. It’s a hacking guide to the body – a book which encourages us to treat our bodies as entrepreneurial start-ups that require continual innovation and reinvention in order to fully realize ourselves and, of course, lose weight.
Good luck to all the readers of the book.