
Selected articles from HN ( )

Out of Our Brains By ANDY CLARK Andy Clark wonders: are devices like iPhones and Blackberries actually becoming extensions of our thinking selves?(OPINIONATOR HIGHLIGHTS NYT)

Review my app: ValueGrapher Value Grapher Is that monster project you're working on really worthwhile? Should you press onward or cut your losses? Are you spending too much time answering e-mail? Too little? How can you even begin to guess? That's where value grapher comes in. You tell it what you're working and on how valuable each task is, and it gives you back a graph of your productivity. The results may surprise you! Value Grapher helps you: See which tasks are giving you the most bang for your buck. Avoid costly time sinks.

10% Unemployment, Yet Every Startup in NYC is Struggling to Hire Unemployment stands at just under 10%, and even more striking, amongst college graduates it's 5%, the highest level since 1970, when records began to be kept. (So it's potentially the highest level since even further back.)  Despite all this unemployment, every startup I know needs to hire not only engineers, but also sales and operations team members.  And this is not just bubble seed startup dollars at work.  Most of this hiring demand, at least that I'm aware off, is Series A, B, and C startups that are throwing off lots of cash and could easily be profitable if they chose to move out of growth mode.

Selected articles from ZH ( )

Charting A Ridiculously Extreme Market, In Which The Dumb Money Is The Most Confident It Has Been In 5 Years Courtesy of www.sentimentrader.comwe can observe just how irrational the market has become... As to how much longer it can sustain this, feel free to address your questions to the Chairman.

Bespoke Finds S&P 500 Most Overbought Since November 2009 Following on our earlier observations courtesy of Sentiment Trader that the Nasdaq has hit its the most extreme bullish reading since 2005, and the dumb money confidence is the highest it has been in the same period of time, we now get confirmation from Bespoke that indeed stocks are now merely floating on a see of excess liquidity and nothing else

Secret Banking Derivative Cabal Redux, And Why HFT In CDS Has So Far Been A Failure In a 3,500 word oeuvre, the NYT's Louise Story has done an expose on some of the key development in the CDS market. For those who may not have the patience of reading the whole thing, we provide an abridged summary...

Who's Buying Corporate Bonds, And Why Did The Household Sector, Contrary To Expectations, End Up Dumping $130 Billion In Bonds In Q3? That is the question BofA's Hans Mikkelsen tries to answer looking at last week's Z.1 statement.

Some interesting graphs from the articles are found under: