Chinese GDP Growth slowing next year?

Michael Pettis sees less than the average 8% GDP for China next year.Very long post but worth reading to the end.The most recent article draws some different scenarios from that outlook.QE2 and the TitanicNOV 10TH, 2010China reported a large trade surplus  for October.  This is a very big number and not one likely to soothe anger directed at China.  It will be very hard for China credibly to argue that it is trying to contribute to global growth while pulling in more and more foreign demand.   What happens if Chinese growth slows?NOV 18TH, 2010Slowly the consensus is shifting towards a recognition that Chinese growth may slow sharply in the next few years.  When I discuss this prospect with analysts and investors, however, they almost always worry about two things.  First, since China represents the largest component of global growth, it seems reasonable to [...] Update: July 2022Looking at the above writings and forecasts brings you some comfort an how long it sometimes take to be right. But in the meantime???